Summer Benefits of Aloe Vera

If you ever need something to take care of your skin in a jiffy, don’t be afraid to use aloe vera or a natural product that contains aloe vera. You don’t have to take our word for it; aloe Vera is a highly respected natural ingredient that has been used in Ayurveda and other parts of the world for thousands of years to heal the skin and promote beauty and vitality. The best part, aloe vera is incredibly easy to find, and for some, it might even be outside your garden.

1. Aloe Vera Can Hydrate & Moisturize Dry Skin

Though we all know that aloe vera is an excellent moisturizer, many of us do not know the reasons why. One such reason is that aloe vera is a humectant. As a humectant, aloe vera can draw moisture toward your skin to make it softer and more supple. This, combined with the fact that it is mostly made of water, means that aloe vera can thoroughly hydrate your skin and reduce skin dryness for much longer. If going out into the sun leaves your skin parched, make sure to apply some aloe to it to keep it moisturized.

2. Aloe Vera Can Reduce Summertime Inflammation & Redness

Aloe vera also has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation may leave your skin red, itchy, swollen, and/or irritated. By applying aloe vera on your skin, you can calm your skin down and soothe away any inflammation, which will help preserve the health and appearance of your skin.

3. Aloe Vera Can Soothe Sunburns Easily

One of the reasons why inflammation is more prominent during the summer is sunburns. Due to UV light, excess sun exposure can harm your skin and cause redness, blisters, and mild to moderate pain. If you notice a sunburn, get out of the sun immediately and gently rub aloe vera into the burnt area. Aloe vera can diminish the pain from the sunburn, soothe your skin, and may help your skin heal faster. 

4. Aloe Vera Can Diminish the Appearance of Lines & Wrinkles

Excess sun exposure can also make your skin look more aged. When UV light harms your skin cells, it may damage your collagen and elastin, two proteins found in your skin that give it firmness and elasticity. Without these proteins, your skin is far likely to develop lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. However, aloe vera has antioxidant properties that allow it to neutralize this free radical and UV damage to your skin that could be causing early aging. In addition, aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory properties can help minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles you might currently have, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

5. Aloe Vera Can Fade Dark Spots & Discoloration

Excess sun exposure could even be the cause of your dark spots and discoloration. When UV light harms your skin cells, your skin will produce excess melanin to protect itself. For some, that will appear as a sunburn that will fade away, but for others, that excess melanin could develop into dark spots and discoloration. Using aloe vera if your skin is burnt is a great idea to heal your skin and get rid of unevenness. Plus, aloe vera contains auxins and gibberellins, two plant hormones that are thought to speed up cell turnover, which can help fade the appearance of dark spots and even out your skin.

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